Arnook’s Container Pack V12 ETS2

Arnook’s Container Pack V12 ETS2
– Full compatibility with the SCS, Krone, VAK V-Slider & Schmitz S.CF chassis configurations (HCT, B-Link, singles, doubles, flatbeds, etc… everything that uses 20ft, 2x20fts, 45fts and/or 40fts)
– Available in the freight Market & for owned trailers
– About the 45ft containers : you can only use them if you own one of the two new dedicated 45ft chassis available (new variants for the SCS chassis), they are NOT available for the freight market
– The skin-selection is made randomly by the game (same system as SCS’s original containers)
– All container variants in traffic
– Supports both default & custom dedicated cargos :
–> Default cargos : just use the same cargos as you usually do and the default skins will be replaced by mine
–> Dedicated cargos :search for “Box Container” OR “Box Container HC” OR “Reefer Container” OR “Reefer Container HC” OR “ISO Tank Container” OR “Flatrack container” OR “Open-Top container”, depending on the type of container that you want
” I have selected a reefer/flatrack cargo but I got regular box containers, why is that ??”
The SCS system for containers is as follows : each cargo has ONE NAME and is automatically available for ALL container types/lengths (i.e : 20ft, 2x20ft, 40ft in the base game. This mod adds the 45ft length) provided it is listed in the “container” category. I CAN’T limit it to one or two length(s) only, if I had done so and chose not to add models for specific lengths (for example : limiting all the flatrack cargos to 40ft only), then if someone went ahead and chose a chassis using a different length (in that case : 20ft, 2x20ft or 45ft), then that person would end up with an empty chassis when picking up the job (no container, since no model was specified by me).
To avoid empty chassis on all the new cargos that this mod adds (reefer, box container, box container HC, flatrack, open-top, tank container), I chose to add the models for OTHER containers that I had available that fitted the length but not necessarily the right type (reefer and flatracks for example).
Version 12 is compatible with ETS V1.43 and 1.44
Credits: Arnook
How to install ETS2 mods or ATS Mods
In Euro Truck Simulator 2 it’s easy to install mods. You just need to download mod from here, copy/unzip files into: “My Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2\mod” folder or if you play ATS please install mods to: “My Documents\American Truck Simulator\mod” folder. To unzip files you can use: WinRAR or 7zip. After that you need to activate the mods you want to use.