ETS2 Sounds


– Vehicles
– All AI cars, trucks, and buses have realistic engine torque and top speed.
– For every car, engine torque has been carefully researched. Each car will accelerate differently.
– Top speed for every car varies according to their tire specifications based on research from the Tire Rack website.
– Top speed for every semi-truck varies according to certain configuration and conditions (Euro maximum 90 km/h).
– Trucks pulling some oversized loads will travel according to the displayed speed number on their trailers.
– Top speed for every bus is 100 km/h. Most of them, if not all, have been at the correct setting.
– In traffic, there are more variety of trailers (empty and loaded).
– Combination Vehicles (CV) are included.
– Traffic density has been reworked.
– Special thanks to cipinho for letting me use part of his Real Traffic Density mod!
– World
– Traffic signals have longer and realistic timings.
– Green light interval is 20 seconds.
– Amber (yellow) light interval is 3 seconds.
– 5-second delay interval between signals.
– Every signal (except major ones) is disabled from 23:00 to 05:00.

– AI
– Car, truck, and train sounds are emitted based on brand and engine specifications.
– Example: If you see an AI Scania with a V8 badge, you’ll hear the actual V8 sound as it drives past.
– Buses and smaller trucks utilize a specific diesel sound.
– Tire noises have been added to all AI vehicles.
– Horn sounds for both cars and trucks have changed.
– Police sirens are replaced with more realistic-sounding ones (Euro style, particularly German).
– For now, the sirens are German style until game code allows for multiple styles of sirens for certain countries.
– Environment
– Bad Spring/Summer/Fall Weather
– Rainfall is slightly louder, noticeable during heavy precipitation.
– Feel Thor’s power through your speakers with better thunder sounds!
– Bad Winter Weather
– When it is snowing, all you can hear is the sound of air (wind).
– Mover
– Sounds have been added to various movers such as flags, hot air balloons, and commercial airliners. Some sounds such as the helicopter have been improved

Quite a lot of new stuff! “Baltic Traffic Light Update”
– Re-worked sounds
– Better quality AI engine sounds, loudness versus displacement (petrol vs. diesel)
– Constant sound volume across all car and truck tires
– According to the poll votes, thunder will now play…
– slightly later (few seconds longer silence)
– slightly softer treble levels, but still retaining semi-heavy bass levels
– Adjusted traffic light timings in the Baltics
– NOTE: Some traffic lights will be temporarily disabled for 24 hours as a way for me to find them in order to fix them in the future.
– Help is greatly appreciated by reporting and sending me the location DURING DAYTIME in-game.
– Added more variety of trailer traffic
– Added “spawn_ratio” of 10% to some 80-kph low bed trailers
– Returned clocks set back 1 hour for Snow Version for certain areas

Credits: Boeing73FLY

How to install ETS2 mods or ATS Mods
In Euro Truck Simulator 2 it’s easy to install mods. You just need to download mod from here, copy/unzip files into: “My Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2\mod” folder or if you play ATS please install mods to: “My Documents\American Truck Simulator\mod” folder. To unzip files you can use: WinRAR or 7zip. After that you need to activate the mods you want to use.
Report bugs in the comments and help modders improve this mod. Always check the comments, you can find a solution.

More ETS2 Sounds mods

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