Freightliner Classic XL Update for v1.4.1 ATS

Freightliner Classic XL Update for v1.4.1 ATS
Updated to 1.4.1 game version.
Advanced couple feature ready.
Fixed mirrors.
Fixed mainglass position.
Fixed some accessories position.
Reduced reflections inside cabin.
Added Canadian license plates.
Corrected glass_set accessories positions.
New parts.
New front grill.
New interior.
2 new steering wheel.
Option paint steering wheel.
option steering knob
Fix error animation steering wheel.
Credits: Credits: Custom Truck ATS,Solaris36, Softclub-NSK, Oleg Conte, Sergej Baltazar, dmitry68, Kriechbaum, Odd_fellow, Ventyres, John Ruda, memes, John Ruda, Drive Safely, Sliipais. Skins by: Skiner, Direct Modding, Lucasi, Wadethe3rd, Pauly, Imperator3, MixaSen, TKK5050-3Chome, LucasI_, EviL.
How to install ETS2 mods or ATS Mods
In Euro Truck Simulator 2 it’s easy to install mods. You just need to download mod from here, copy/unzip files into: “My Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2\mod” folder or if you play ATS please install mods to: “My Documents\American Truck Simulator\mod” folder. To unzip files you can use: WinRAR or 7zip. After that you need to activate the mods you want to use.
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