MAP EAA V1.9 for ETS2

ETS2 Maps

MAP EAA V1.9 for ETS2

– Major changes from the previous version of the mod
– Addition of three new cities in Paraná: Castro, South Pirai and Tibagi

List of Brazilian Cities in mod:

Rio Grande do Sul:
Vacaria, Caxias do Sul, Canoas, Porto Alegre, Osorio, Butia, Pantano Grande, Santa Cruz do Sul, South Cacapava and San Gabriel.

Santa Catarina:
Lages, Cricklewood, Florianópolis , Itajai, Joinville, Campos Novos and Mafra.

Rio Negro, Paranagua, Sao Jose dos Pinhais, Curitiba, Ponta Grossa, Palm Tree, Irati, Prudentópolis, Guarapuava, Laranjeiras of the South, Cascavel, Foz do Iguaçu, Castro, South Pirai and Tibagi.

Registration, Peruibe, Santos, São Paulo, São José dos Campos, Taubaté, Aparecida, Guaratingueta, Tatuí and Sorocaba.

Rio de Janeiro
Resende, Volta Redonda, Mage, Niterói, Rio de Janeiro and itaborai.

WARNING: PASSWORD FOR unpacking: eaa4ever

Credits: -

How to install ETS2 mods or ATS Mods
In Euro Truck Simulator 2 it’s easy to install mods. You just need to download mod from here, copy/unzip files into: “My Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2\mod” folder or if you play ATS please install mods to: “My Documents\American Truck Simulator\mod” folder. To unzip files you can use: WinRAR or 7zip. After that you need to activate the mods you want to use.
Report bugs in the comments and help modders improve this mod. Always check the comments, you can find a solution.

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