Map Jowo -IND- v8.0 1.46 ETS2

Map Jowo -IND- v8.0 1.46 ETS2
This jowo map was originally made by Dwi Priyanto which is v6, then updated again by Fatkhul Anam to update the city rework, In the beginning, the map of Jowo is very simple, but in the revamped version, the city will have 11 12 original xixixi maps.
This jowo map has Indonesian nuances 30% which means the model and assets are often used on Indonesian maps 50% ATS 50% ets2.
in demo version this update version rework
1. Jepara
2. kudus
3. Demak Up coming
4. Pati Up coming
5. Semarang is up coming
in demo version updated version added interesting features for standalone mode only. among others are
1. example of cutscene ferry in black sea dlc
2. point of view
3. special transportation
4. passenger mode
Added passenger job routes
1. poor
2. rembang
3. yogyakarta
4. Jakarta
5. pati
6. kudus
7. Surakarta
5. road unmade (hidden road) coming soon
6. bus traffic stop at bus stop(new)
and many more features
and everything is still beta
7. Menambahkan rute dlc ke peta Lampung oleh Rizky ap
Dlc Lampung ini dulunya mod map biasa tapi di versi ini sudah berbentuk dlc seperti map dlc aslinya, dlc Lampung ini masih berupa map standar yang belum di rework
Map works on all dlc map or full dlc in version – 1.46
dlc_it, dlc_nort, dlc_fr, dlc_baltic, dlc_black sea, dlc_iberia
How to install this map
1. First download all jowo base maps 1 – 6 then after that just put & extract them to the mod folder.
2. Don’t forget to download the Jowo dlc map too, if you don’t use the dlc then this map will crash
How to install this Jowo dlc map
1. Just extract it to mod folder then activate it in mod manager
Credits: fatkhul anam & dwi priyanto
How to install ETS2 mods or ATS Mods
In Euro Truck Simulator 2 it’s easy to install mods. You just need to download mod from here, copy/unzip files into: “My Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2\mod” folder or if you play ATS please install mods to: “My Documents\American Truck Simulator\mod” folder. To unzip files you can use: WinRAR or 7zip. After that you need to activate the mods you want to use.