Mario Map updated 1.46 ETS2

Mario Map updated 1.46 ETS2
Biggest map for ETS2 updated for patch 1.46!
More than 1000 cities.
More than 10000 km roads.
Europe, Asia, North and South America, Africa.
Needed all DLC.
Tested on 1.46.x
Updated by Cheech88
Credits: Mario1961
How to install ETS2 mods or ATS Mods
In Euro Truck Simulator 2 it’s easy to install mods. You just need to download mod from here, copy/unzip files into: “My Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2\mod” folder or if you play ATS please install mods to: “My Documents\American Truck Simulator\mod” folder. To unzip files you can use: WinRAR or 7zip. After that you need to activate the mods you want to use.
Report bugs in the comments and help modders improve this mod. Always check the comments, you can find a solution.
si blocca e mi crasha mentre sto guidando, versione 1.46
After driving a few kilometers it crashes out of the game.
Seu mapa tem um defeito após a cidade de Matamoros em direção a Corpos Chisti e em direção a Raynosa e em direção a Tampico, as estradas não existem fica um vago e de Vinales em direção a Havana. No entanto seu trabalho é espetacular continue atualizando é ótimo.
Your map has a defect after the city of Matamoros towards Corpos Chisti and towards Raynosa and towards Tampico, the roads do not exist there is one vacant and from Vinales towards Havana. However your work is spectacular keep updating it is great.
não consigo jogar o jogo fcha no segundo carregamento
Game crashes
Game keeps crashing fix it please so very annoying
Haha, love this map. Nothing like doing a delivery from Donetsk to Rio De Janeiro. A few missing roads, here and there, but nothing you can’t work around with the developer enabled. If you’re crashing, check the log. I had to delete a bulldozer pmd file, too keep from crashing between Donetsk and Dneproopetrov.
Schade, sieht alles richtig super aus, doch das Spiel stürzt ständig ab. Ich hoffe das hier recht bald ein Update kommt
I always had a soft spot for MarioMap, particularly the USA part of the map which has been expanded into Mexico. I don’t know who has taken the time here to make this v1.46 compatible, but thank you very much. Link to video to follow ;-…..