Mercedes-Benz Tourismo 16 RHD 1.39 ETS2

Mercedes-Benz Tourismo 16 RHD 1.39 ETS2
MB Tourismo 16 RHD
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Araç modelleme kaplamaları tekrar güncellendi. Ayna, ön konsol, vites, koridor ve direksiyon yeniden modellendi. Fmod ses motoru aracın orjinal motor tipi OM457 sesinden üretilmiştir. (Kamyon sesi konulmuş diye ön yargılı olmayın aynı motor tipini mercedes axor kamyonlarında da kullanmıştır.)
Vehicle textures have been updated again. Mirror, dashboard, gearshift, c cabin nd steering wheel were remodeled. FMOD sound engine is produced from the original engine type OM457 sound of the vehicle. (Same engine used on MB Axor, that’s why it has same sound.)
Credits: Project Author: OyuncuyusBisModsModel: Cenker Seçkin – Ferhat GürModel Edit: İsmail Arslan (HVT)Convert, Sound ve Physics: Harun ArasDashboard: Emir Bardakçı (trzpro)Skinpack: Hakan TerziRim: Yavuz Selim Mağdala
How to install ETS2 mods or ATS Mods
In Euro Truck Simulator 2 it’s easy to install mods. You just need to download mod from here, copy/unzip files into: “My Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2\mod” folder or if you play ATS please install mods to: “My Documents\American Truck Simulator\mod” folder. To unzip files you can use: WinRAR or 7zip. After that you need to activate the mods you want to use.
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