Mod Scania 113H T v2.5 ETS2

Mod Scania 113H T v2.5 ETS2
• 3 Steering Wheel Options: (Original 113H) Scania logo. • 3 Steering Wheel Options: (Original 113H) Scania logo black. • Flashlight, Lighthouse, arrows flash and D. Everyone reflects on the floor. • Improved and realistic shadows. • Various carpet options. • Camera can be turned at the back of the cabin. • SCANIA 113H engines: 320, 360, 440, 620 and 750 Chipado. • SCANIA 113H Engine Sounds: Original and normal V8. Original and V8 with Turbine Comb. • Tank options, round, square, painted or chrome. • Various color options for tapestry, cabin and ceiling. • Several Options: Armchairs and benches beds. • Cylinder tubes: Original black, chrome, single or double. • Battery Box: Chrome, original black or painted. • Luggage options. • 3D made based on the technical terms of the original Scania truck. • 3 exhaust options. NOTE: Exhaust with smoke only in the DLC click here and learn more. • New 4×2 fenders customized and chrome. • New original and customized bumpers. • Front grille: Painted, normal matte or chrome. • 3 chassis options: 4×2, 6×2, 6×4 original or lowered: 4×2 lowered and 6×2 lowered. Tested on V 1.37 _1.38
Credits: Wagner Zulu
How to install ETS2 mods or ATS Mods
In Euro Truck Simulator 2 it’s easy to install mods. You just need to download mod from here, copy/unzip files into: “My Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2\mod” folder or if you play ATS please install mods to: “My Documents\American Truck Simulator\mod” folder. To unzip files you can use: WinRAR or 7zip. After that you need to activate the mods you want to use.
Perfect Scania! The only thing that doesn’t work are the windows, inside curtains and engine sound ;(. My version is 1.38.3.
hello good the engine sound of the Scania 113H T does not work, thank you !! Greetings good Mod
A buzina da Scania 13 não funciona, como faço para ela funcionar??
Motor sesi yok.
boa tarde gostei muito do mod da 113 poderia ter uma pintura prata e azul com o simbolo da scania no lugar da pintura da caveira com cartas. mais o que eu gostaria de perguntar sem vcs tem o som dela para o EAA que funcione la eu iria adorar se desse parabéns pelo trabalho quem venhao mais caminhoes para esse mundo ETs
hey, just to check.. there isn’t any engine sounds. any way you could help?
no sound engine truck
this is not Wagner Zulu mod this belongs to Fabio Contier so is a pirate copy as you have to buy the mod. This should be taken off the downloads.
muy lindo los scania pero no me anda el sonido del camion..lo tengo en la version 1.38 y no suena el motor del mod..
baixei o mod mas ta sem som