Pardubak’s EconomyMod ETS2 v1.34 w07
ATTENTION: You don’t need to start with new profile. Set it with the heighest
priority. You can use this mod with other maps (e.a. TruckSim,
MHAPro and others not just with ProMods).
Mod have been tested with ETS2 v.1.34.x + DLC: Going East, Scandinavia,
Vive la France and Italy DLC.
UPDATE 17.02.2019
update for ETS2 1.34
first release for ETS2 1.32
UPDATED 25.06.2018
Damage Data:
cabin wear: last cca 800 000km
chassis wear: last cca 800 000km
engine wear: last cca 1 120 000km
transmission wear: last cca 850 000km
wheel wear: last cca 80 000km
Economy Data:
– hired driver’s basic salary is cca 70,-€ per day (25 550,-€/year) + 0,38€/km revenue
– when you buy your own truck your salary is going raise to cca 120,-€ per day
(43 800,-€/year) + 0,62€/km revenue
Special Event Data:
– levels (Lv) for credit rise (CR):
Lv08=CR = $250 000,-
Lv16=CR = $500 000,-
Lv24=CR = $1 000 000,-
Lv32=CR = $2 000 000,-
– you can take your first loan after 10 jobs and you will reached level 8
– first dealer is unlocked after 60 mins
UPDATED 13.06.2018
Economy Data:
– small garage costs 90 000,-€
– you don’t need to own any trucks before buying new one online
– park bonus points are set to: 25XP for Easy parking spot
50XP for Medium parking spot
100XP for Hard parking spot
– park bonus points for doubles: 25XP for Easy parking spot
100XP for Medium parking spot
200XP for Hard parking spot
Bank Data:
– Co-Insurance from ATS
Police Data Fines*:
– car crash: 150,-€
– avoid sleeping: 100,-€
– wrong way: 100,-€
– speeding (camera): 60,-€
– no lights at night: 50,-€
– red lights: 100,-€
– speeding: 60,-€
* These fines are the minimum (or average) ones by the Slovak laws. In-game the fine is rising level by level.
Bank Data:
– period of time for bank loan repayment:
100 000,-€ payed in 52 weeks (1 year, daily installment = 300,-€ / overpay = 9 200,-€)
200 000,-€ payed in 102 weeks (2 years, daily installment = 330,-€ / overpay = 35 620,-€)
350 000,-€ payed in 156 weeks (3 years, daily installment = 390,-€ / overpay = 73 150,-€)
500 000,-€ payed in 204 weeks (4 years, daily installment = 430,-€ / overpay = 114 040,-€)
Economy Data:
– truck refund is 45% of original price
– small garage costs 100 000,-€
– garage upgrade costs 60 000,-€
– productivity plan for: tiny garage is 5 000,-€
small garage is 30 000,-€
large garage is 60 000,-€
– fuel discount in your garage is 25%
– abandoned job fine is 6 000,-€
– cargo damage cost is -2,50€ per 1% of damage
– cargo damage cost factor is -2% of total cost penalty per 1% of damage
– hired driver’s basic salary is cca 70,-€ per day (25 550,-€/year) + 0,35€/km revenue
– driver hire cost is 1500,-€
– skill distance limits have been changed
– when you buy your own truck your salary is going raise to cca 120,-€ per day
(43 800,-€/year) + 0,75€/km revenue
Experience Bonuses:
– XP damage cost is -3XP per 1% of cargo damage
– XP damage cost factor is -2% of total XP per 1% of cargo damage
Special Event Data:
– you can take your first loan after 20 jobs
– levels (Lv) for credit rise (CR):
Lv5=CR = 130 000,-€
Lv10=CR = 500 000,-€
Lv15=CR = 1 000 000,-€
Lv20=CR = 1 500 000,-€
– first dealer is unlocked after 30 mins
Credits: dimon_26, Pardubak
How to install ETS2 mods or ATS Mods
In Euro Truck Simulator 2 it’s easy to install mods. You just need to download mod from here, copy/unzip files into: “My Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2\mod” folder or if you play ATS please install mods to: “My Documents\American Truck Simulator\mod” folder. To unzip files you can use: WinRAR or 7zip. After that you need to activate the mods you want to use.