RealEco Mod 0.2 ETS2

RealEco Mod 0.2 ETS2
changed to real World prices
Insurance added from ATS
Overdraft Duration:5 Days
Overdraft Warning: starting on 3rd day
Loan Amount 10000, 182days/ 60Euro, Interest Rate: 32%
Loan Amount 50000, 364days/150Euro, Interest Rate: 17%
Loan Amount 100000, 546days/200Euro, Interest Rate: 11%
Loan Amount 500000, 1092days/500Euro, Interest Rate: 6%
Unlock LVL
Credit limit goes up with every LVL: Example LVL1=15000 and LVL150=1700000
10 Jobs before first Loan
Own Truck and Garage after 6 Jobs
Trailer unlock with LVL 20
first Dealer unlocked after 2 Minutes
per km pay is between 0 Euro(get paid base revenue) and 2.50 Euro
maximum driving time and sleeping time adjusted to limitation of the Game but near to realistic values: Drive Time= 11 hours and Sleep Time= 9 hours
Garage Buy Price and Productivity adjusted, full Discount 15%
Abandoned Job Fine: 1500 Euro
Cargo Damage Cost adjusted
late delivery adjusted and average speed adjusted, so you have enough time for delivery
time adjusted Cargo is avaiable to min 3hours and max 30hours
AI Drivers Work for you so there salary and revenue per km was adjusted accordingly. The Agency wants 3500Euro from you to hire a driver. A driver gives u a 60day warning when he wants to quit and Ends his contract in 80days. The driver has a 2% change to return home with no Load this will decrease with experience
All the pay increase Values are allready reflected in the above km price!
Avaiable Distance you can drive
0 Points in long distance driving: 250km
1 Points in long distance driving: 450km + 2% pay increase for distances over 250km
2 Points in long distance driving: 650km + 4% pay increase for distances over 450km
3 Points in long distance driving: 850km + 6% pay increase for distances over 650km
4 Points in long distance driving: 1250km + 8% pay increase for distances over 850km
5 Points in long distance driving: 4500km +10% pay increase for distances over 1250km
6 Points in long distance driving: unlimited km +15% pay increase for distances over 4500km
15%more XP for distances over 250km
High Value Cargo
need to spend one point to unlock the High Value Cargo Market
1 Point= 2% pay increase for High Value Cargo
2 Point= 4% pay increase for High Value Cargo
3 Point= 6% pay increase for High Value Cargo
4 Point= 8% pay increase for High Value Cargo
5 Point= 10% pay increase for High Value Cargo
6 Point= 12% pay increase for High Value Cargo
15% more XP when you deliver High Value Cargo
Fragile Cargo
need to spend one point to unlock the Fragile Cargo Market
1 Point= 2% pay increase for Fragile Cargo
2 Point= 4% pay increase for Fragile Cargo
3 Point= 6% pay increase for Fragile Cargo
4 Point= 8% pay increase for Fragile Cargo
5 Point= 10% pay increase for Fragile Cargo
6 Point= 12% pay increase for Fragile Cargo
18% more XP when you deliver Fragile Cargo
Just In- Time Delivery
1 Point= Important Deliveries unlocked. 1% pay increase for Important Deliveries
2 Point= Urgent Deliveries unlocked. 2% pay increase for Important Deliveries and 4% pay increase for Urgent Deliveries
3 Point= Urgent Deliveries unlocked. 4% pay increase for Important Deliveries and 6% pay increase for Urgent Deliveries
4 Point= Urgent Deliveries unlocked. 5% pay increase for Important Deliveries and 8% pay increase for Urgent Deliveries
5 Point= Urgent Deliveries unlocked. 6% pay increase for Important Deliveries and 10% pay increase for Urgent Deliveries
6 Point= Urgent Deliveries unlocked. 9% pay increase for Important Deliveries and 12% pay increase for Urgent Deliveries
Important Deliveries give you 15% more XP
Urgent Deliveries give you 18% more XP
Eco Driving
1 Point= 5% full Efficiencys
2 Point= 6% full Efficiencys
3 Point= 7% full Efficiencys
4 Point= 8% full Efficiencys
5 Point= 9% full Efficiencys
6 Point= 10% full Efficiencys
car crash= 600 Euro
Avoid Sleeping= 300 Euro
Wrong Way= 250 Euro
Speeding(Camera)= 650 Euro
There is a 100 Euro administrative fee for them to check the Computer and send you your ticket
No Lights= 200 Euro
red light= 350 Euro
Speeding= 550 Euro
The Police gets paid by your Taxes so they don’t get a administrative fee
avoid weighing= 500
Credits: MrPapaBear
How to install ETS2 mods or ATS Mods
In Euro Truck Simulator 2 it’s easy to install mods. You just need to download mod from here, copy/unzip files into: “My Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2\mod” folder or if you play ATS please install mods to: “My Documents\American Truck Simulator\mod” folder. To unzip files you can use: WinRAR or 7zip. After that you need to activate the mods you want to use.