Some errors have been corrected, but may still contain errors and some details that did not give time to be finalized but in the next versions can be corrected The mod base is from Edu3works. There you will find more work from him !! Clarified this. let’s get information about my edit I have reformulated the entire Edu mod, Added shade to the covers, and how they are used in the mod, Attached position lamps in the vicinity of the implement, Attached 3 models of canvases and styles, folded in half or closed Attached decorative bands, Added Marias and additional flashlights with a special led and sequential arrow, led flashlights, and old line of war, all with lightmask More than 10 different loads, it depends on the style of the body, Added old plates and mercosul of my signature.
Credits: Luan Luis
How to install ETS2 mods or ATS Mods
In Euro Truck Simulator 2 it’s easy to install mods. You just need to download mod from here, copy/unzip files into: “My Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2\mod” folder or if you play ATS please install mods to: “My Documents\American Truck Simulator\mod” folder. To unzip files you can use: WinRAR or 7zip. After that you need to activate the mods you want to use.